Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Arbitary Law: | Offenders: Physical Consequences: Lynching:

Prosecution: Arbitary Law: | Offenders: Physical Consequences:

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] U.S. History

Cases: Real Offenders: Sam Hose

[Info] Baker, Bruce E. »Lynch Law Reversed: The Lynching of Manse Waldrop.« Lynching and Racial Violence in America: Histories and Legacies. Atlanta 2002.

[Info] Baker, Bruce E. »Lynch Law Reversed: The Rape of Lula Sherman, the Lynching of Manse Waldrop, and the Debate over Lynching in the 1880s.« American Nineteenth Century History 6 (2005): 273-293.

[Info] Baker, Bruce E. »Lynch Law Reversed: The Rape of Lula Sherman, the Lynching of Manse Waldrop, and the Debate over Lynching in the 1880s.« Lynching Reconsidered: New Perspectives in the Study of Mob Violence. Edited by William D. Carrigan. New York 2008: 47-68.

[Info] Baker, Bruce E. This Mob Will Surely Take My Life: Lynchings in the Carolinas, 1871-1947. London 2008.

[Info] Barnes, Deborah H. »“… the Furrow of His Brow”: The Cultural Logic of Black Lynch Mobsy.« Journal of African American Studies (October 5, 2016).

[Info] Beck, E.M., et al. »Lynching.« New Georgia Encyclopedia. Edited by John C. Inscoe. Atlanta 2007.

[Info] Berg, Manfred. »Das Ende der Lynchjustiz im amerikanischen Süden.« Historische Zeitschrift 283 (2006): 583-616.

[Info] Berg, Manfred. Popular Justice: A History of Lynching in America. Chicago 2011.

[Info] Berg, Manfred. Lynchjustiz in den USA. Hamburg 2014.

[Info] Campney, Brent M.S. This Is Not Dixie: Racist Violence in Kansas, 1861-1927. Urbana 2015.

[Info] Campney, Brent M.S. »This Is Not Dixie: Racist Violence in Kansas, 1861-1927.« Kansas City Public Library. Kansas City 2016.

[Info] Cha-Jua, Sundiata K. »"A warlike demonstration". Legalism, armed resistance, and black political mobilization in Decatur, Illinois, 1894-1989.« Journal of negro history 83 (1998): 52-72.

[Info] D’Emilio, John, et al. »Since Intimate Matters: Recent Developments in the History of Sexuality in the United States.« Journal of Women's History 25 (2013): 88-100.

[Info] DeVouge, Laura. "Lynch a Thousand Times a Week if Necessary": Lynching and Women's Rights in the American South. Major Research Project, Western University, 2012.

[Info] Dyer, Thomas G. »"A most unexampled exhibition of madness and brutality". Judge lynch in Saline County, Missouri, 1859, part 1.« Missouri historical review 89 (1995): 269-289.

[Info] Dyer, Thomas G. »"A most unexampled exhibition of madness and brutality". Judge lynch in Saline County, Missouri, 1859, part 2.« Missouri historical review 89 (1995): 367-383.

[Info] Ellis, Mary L. »A lynching averted. The ordeal of John Miller.« Georgia historical quarterly 70 (1986): 306-316.

[Info] Everett, Dianna. »Lynching.« Encyclopedia of Oklahoma history & society. Edited by Dianna Everett. Oklahoma City 2007.

[Info] Feimster, Crystal N. Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching. Cambridge 2009.

[Info] Feimster, Crystal. »Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching.« Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, University of Wisconsin. Madison 2011.

[Info] Frank, Andrew K. The Routledge Historical Atlas of the American South. New York 1999.

[Info] Franzosi, Roberto. »Analytical sociology and quantitative narrative analysis: Explaining lynchings in Georgia (1875-1930).« Analytical Sociology: Actions and Networks. Edited by Gianluca Manzo. Hoboken 2014: 127-148.

[Info] Freedman, Estelle B. Redefining Rape: Sexual Violence in the Era of Suffrage and Segregation. Cambridge 2013.

[Info] Gates, James. »The lynching of Charles Mitchell.« Journal of America’s military past 29 (2003): 77-90.

[Info] Gunning, Sandra. Race, Rape, and Lynching: The Red Record of American Literature, 1890-1912. New York 1996.

[Info] Hall, Jacquelyn D. »"The mind that burns in each body". Women, rape, and racial violence.« Powers of desire. The politics of sexuality. Edited by Ann Snitow et al. New York 1983: 329-349.

[Info] Hall, Jacquelyn D. »"The mind that burns in each body". Women, rape, and racial violence.« Southern exposure 12 (1984): 61-71.

[Info] Hall, Jacquelyn D. »"The mind that burns in each body". Women, rape, and racial violence.« Race, class, and gender: an anthology. Edited by Margaret L. Andersen et al. Belmont 1992: 397-412.

[Info] Holland, Catherine A. The Body Politic: Foundings, Citizenship, and Difference in the American Political Imagination. New York 2001.

[Info] Ingalls, Robert P. »General Joseph B. Wall and Lynch Law in Tampa.« Florida Historical Quarterly 63 (1984): 51-70.

[Info] Ketelsen, Judith. Das unaussprechliche Verbrechen. Die Kriminalisierung der Opfer im Diskurs um Lynching und Vergewaltigung in den Südstaaten der USA nach dem Bürgerkrieg. Münster 2000.

[Info] Krause, Sascha W. The anatomy of resistance. The rhetoric of anti-lynching in American literature and culture, 1892-1936. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg, 2005.

[Info] Moses, Norton H., comp. Lynching and vigilantism in the United States. An annotated bibliography. Westport 1997.

[Info] Smångs, Mattias. »Race, Gender, and the Rape-Lynching Nexus in the U.S. South, 1881-1930.« Social Problems (September 20, 2019).

[Info] Sommerville, Diane M. »Rape-lynch scenario.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 189-191.

[Info] Thurston, Robert W. Lynching: American Mob Murder in Global Perspective. Farnham 2011.

[Info] Tolnay, Steward E, et al. »Lynching.« The Oxford Companion to United States History. Edited by Paul S. Boyer. Oxford 2001: 465.

[Info] Watkins, Patricia D. »Rape, lynching, law and Contending Forces. Pauline Hopkins – Forerunner of critical race theorists.« CLA journal 46 (2003): 521-542.

[Info] Whites, LeeAnn. »Love, hate, rape, lynching. Rebecca Latimer Felton and the gender politics of racial violence.« Democracy betrayed. The Wilmington race riot of 1898 and its legacy. Edited by David S. Cecelski et al. Chapel Hill 1998: 177-192.

[Info] Whites, LeeAnn. Gender matters. Civil War, Reconstruction, and the making of the New South. New York 2005.

[Info] Wriggins, Jennifer. »Rape, racism, and the law.« Harvard women’s law journal 6 (1983): 103-141.